All Communications Committee *videotapes* of this year’s Speakers & every video from all past years since 2022

This is a comprehensive year-by-year indexing of every one of the presentations referenced in the title of the page. It will be of great utility and interest to present-day viewers and those in many future decades. Future WordPress-fluent Communications Directors (or their appointed webmasters) will easily and continually maintain this vital and instructive repository. In turn, each of their successors will advisedly do the same, realizing that richly instructive and engaging content on this QCGC website (+ cultivated volunteerism) is the key element for smooth, decades-long continuity of the Club and its Mission. Our leadership team is committed to the concept of “organizing the Club so well, that it will still be going strong 50 years from now.”

2022 Events we video recorded
February (Zoomed) ~ A highly informative 38-minute video introduction to the newly-formed QC Genealogy Club & its leadership team:

April ~ Gil Lusk’s DNA presentation. An Alumni club member with 57 years of genealogical researching expertise, Gil’s topic is: using the amazing capabilities of various specimens of DNA material for tracing living and past relatives going back many centuries. As you’ll see and hear, he was able to determine with a high degree of accuracy a Lusk family lineage going back nearly 3,000 years. (A very readable closeup of the screen begins at 28 minutes into the video.) Here’s the video: And here’s the entire Powerpoint he used:

 Gil Lusk DNA slide show for the QCGC April 27, 2022

May ~ QCGC members’ ancestral veteran presentations
Via emotionally-moving slide presentations, photos, and narratives, QCGC members vividly convey details about veterans in their ancestral lineage who served in US armed services.

Take the time to click on and view each of these four crystal-clear slide compilations (average reading time 5 to 8 minutes) All four slide decks are related to the video that was recorded that day:

1)- Resource Committee chair, John Gelber, on ancestral veteran researching

2)- Club Founder, Dick Sussman’s remembrance of Uncle Armand Sussman, a WWII POW airman

3)- Club President, Pam Williams’ remembrance of both WWII ancestral service members

4)- Events Committee chair, RoseMary Tuck’s remembrance of multiple ancestral veterans

September ~ Guest Speaker Alyson Smith, Director of the Sahuarita Family History Center, presents VERY valuable information about optimally using the Center’s facilities:

Here are the three extremely helpful pages of Alyson’s instructions relating to researching with the Center’s facilities:
Instructional handouts

November ~ QCGC special “Meet & Greet” social event. ALL QC residents along with their spouses/partners/guests are invited to this first-year celebration of the QCGC’s Nov 2021 establishment.
Here’s the Nov 2 “Meet and Greet” colorful Announcement Flyer
It was a very successful event and here you can watch the highlights Video of the Meet and Greet
With all of us so relatively new to the club after only one year, this was an opportunity to personally introduce many of us to each other. Lively and stimulating conversations ensued – many of them centered around tracing our families back thru the centuries, building family trees, and the exciting discoveries we made relating to formerly-unknown worldwide relatives. New friendships with fellow community residents emerged, based on many common interests, home state regions, and their life experiences well beyond genealogy.


2023 Events we video recorded
January ~ Our video of Jim Burkstrand’s “Restoring Old Photos” presentation: The latest powerful software tools and methods are vividly demonstrated on screen as he colorfully (and instructively) narrates and performs a number of actually exciting – almost magical – restorations working on some old and precious, but exceedingly problematic family lineage photos.
Here’s a valuable document providing Jim’s great variety of modern ways to pass your photos on to your heirs: Passing along your photos And here’s Jim’s slide presentation that accompanied his spoken comments during the meeting.

February ~ Our video of QCGC president, Pam Williams discussing her Ancestry DNA surprises & successes:
In a manner that perfectly exemplifies the joys, pleasures and creative challenges of Genealogy itself, Pam colorfully describes and visually illustrates her exciting and rewarding journey back thru the many generations and centuries of her ancestral (and contemporary) German, and German-American family roots. Many in the audience share quite a few of their own – often humorous – even startling, DNA surprises. And here is Pam’s expertly compiled slide show that visually shows every element, research tool, and useful fact she presents during today’s discussion.

March ~ QCGC board member, Mark Hester sharing life-changing DNA results:
A highly informative and moving presentation with more than a few entertaining, lighter moments in exchanges with the audience and during the discussion itself.

April ~ A panel of four QC experts – Anita Fisk, Mark Hester, Ken Abel and John Gelber – who have years of academic-level research experience, discuss systematically “Working Through Brick Walls” encountered during genealogy research.
Enjoy the informative, lively and entertaining Q & A exchanges between the very-engaged attendees and the panel.